Own the Assessment Center
It’s all yours! We can customize our workforce
development platform to support programs
running at your company through an assessment center
Own the message
Your assessment center comes with its own web template.
It integrates with your website, and can
be customized for you. Now you can promote
your message to the desired audience
Own the data in your talent pipeline
Your assessment center allows you to test thousands of
candidates. All of this data is systematically organized and
is available to you in real time
Own the test bank
An assessment is a collection of competency
tests, that can be compiled to assess for a
specific program or job. Your test bank will
later cater to competencies that are relevant
to your program and to your clients
Own your reports
Reports and analysis will be customized to tell
recruiters what they need to know.
All your employers will be able to use a
common yardstick that is inherent to
your programs
Delivered in just a few days
Once you have placed your order, we will allocate
a team of dedicated specialists to launch a custom
built assessment center for you!
Use and re-use
Re-use your platform for upcoming programs